In-Store Shopping March 1st, 15th, & 29th

2024 Brings Change

As much as we try to keep the focus on OkieSpice, it’s probably time to reintroduce ourselves as the folks behind this crazy business! 

There are so many new friends that have wandered in to our spice world……and have so many questions about why we do the things we do! 
We are Steve and Kim…..and we like doing things a bit different! 
Our newest way of doing business has created many discussions & made folks question our sanity. Let’s just say we are ecstatic with our choices!
After 7 incredible years OkieSpice is now a primarily online store with occasional pop ups at our Main St. location for OkieSpice in-store shopping!
Generally a few Saturdays a month our lovely brick & mortar opens and our store comes alive with our wonderful community of OkieSpice folks! 
Initially last summer we made the decision to just focus on internet sales but it quickly became very apparent that our most loyal customers weren’t going to allow that to happen. Our best compromise is what we are doing at this time. Occasional pop ups with some of our favorite partners in the MIO community. 
How awesome is that? Our schedule at OkieSpice is when we choose to open the doors & our supportive customers are the best in the world! To know them is to love them…..and we are so thankful for their support!
Our OkieSpice store is a fun experience that doesn’t translate well online……and we get totally get that. Online is not our first choice for shopping either but it’s not going away. Steve and I invite everyone to come in for the “real deal” on the Saturdays we “pop open”… let’s have some fun with actual folks! We truly enjoy you all!
Our story in a nutshell…….
After Steve and I met almost 13 years ago our travels inspired us to dream about opening a unique spice store. One that would create a community of like minded folks who enjoy exploring new tastes and fun experiences. We love trying new things and cooking was one of our shared passions! We also loved all things Made in Oklahoma & had come to the realization at that time there were not many MIO stores highlighting those products.
OkieSpice opened October 2017 in our little building on 2nd Street in Sand Springs. We quickly outgrew the space & began yet another remodel for our current Main St location. We acquired The Cheese Factory business during that time as well and it grew like crazy! We began hosting events & food trucks….music acts & other vendors…..and broke new ground on fun experiences in Sand Springs! 
OkieSpice became an Oklahoma destination for so many folks and in 2019 we moved into our current location. More crazy times & bigger opportunities to expand OkieSpice! 
What a great problem to be so busy with growth! Why not open another store next door…..haha! 
The past several years have given us huge opportunities but also have taken quite the turn at times…..numerous delays with buildouts & remodels, 2 floods, high winds/roof issues, increased shipping costs, material shortages, material costs, product shortages……inflation issues, energy costs, worker shortages……on & on….
Our story isn’t much different than other small businesses in that we have been stretched very thin at times, along with our resources, we hold numerous titles, are never caught up, & feel like we live at our store! lol!
Small business is tough. We understand the struggles. Our story is full of tremendous highs and a few really hard lows. 
After a few major setbacks in 2023- it was time to question our own sanity! Hah.
Realization hit in 2023 that no matter how hard you work at your business……you are still at the mercy of other factors/other people out of your control. ( I was definitely on a ledge last summer! Thank goodness Steve talked me off of that ledge!)
From weather events to economic factors to the ever present small town issues/decisions that plague us all……not to mention all the regulations and restrictions from local state & federal govt…..ABLE Commission…..USDA….Dept of Agriculture…….Health Dept… premiums……taxes…..worker woes……it has been a wild ride! 
While our businesses were thriving in 2023, our exhaustion was increasing as well! Why were we doing this to ourselves? Part of our businesses success was that we are the business. That can’t  be outsourced. Darn it! We needed to be there for OkieSpice and Hippy to succeed! 

Deciding to start the process of downsizing our lives was the best decision ever! Privately & publicly-we did big things to slow the roll! 
The Father’s Day Wind Event of 2023 was the sign we needed to say enough is enough for us on Main Street.  Why were we letting others determine our future? Between the construction/Mother Nature we said no more.  
We stopped production on The Cheese Factory, closed Hippy Cowgirls, began to implement the new chapter for OkieSpice as a primarily online store…….and basically walked away from 2 very successful brick & mortar stores. Call us Crazy! 
We couldn’t be happier with our decision!
Downsizing every single aspect of our lives has allowed us the freedom to travel again and begin to refocus on what’s truly important. 
Sometimes as business owners we pour so much into our “dream” it’s all consuming! Everything is all about business. 
We were ready to get back to life! 
Have a garden, take a real vacation, read a real book(not a product catalog)…..enjoy our family……watch movies…..cook more…..grill a lot more….& no more late night emails to finalize a deal! 
As Steve famously told the news reporters reporting our decisions …..”we still get around pretty good…..” so let’s get out and explore life again!
Now it seems we have been gone more than we have been home for the last 5 wonderful months and we have had so much fun! However, it’s time to nail down our traveling shoes and focus on fun projects at our place! Indoor & Outdoor! We love OkieSpice but we are looking forward to projects that don’t require permits or inventory counts! Woo Hoo! 
We know we aren’t alone in our stories of business struggles…..& our issues aren’t any different than most mom/pop stores…..we lift them up in support.
We hope y’all do also! Shop with them every chance your pocketbook allows. 
 It’s not as easy as people suggest….and boy do they suggest! Haha! Seems everyone has THE answer to solve your business affairs.
In the end….we chose what works for our OkieSpice story! 
8 years ago everyone thought we were nuts for opening a “Spice Store” in Sand Springs…! 
(and now they still do!)
 (…..if I even care about “Facebook and Timelines” in 10 years….OHHHH… be younger and full of ideas & stamina!)
Our timeline in another nutshell…
2016-pulled the trigger….
2017-April - 1st Remodel begins
2017-October-Grand Opening OkieSpice
2018-November -Purchased The Cheese Factory
2019-April -2nd Buildout begins 107 N. Main
2019-October-Big relocation MOVE!
2020-Massive July Flood-1st Ledge….lol
2020-August-Purchase 103 N. Main
2020-September-Remodel begins on Hippy
2021-Remodel Woes….COVID Supply Issues All Year
2021-Hippy Cowgirls begins
2022 and beyond…..Oh Boy! Begin/pause Blue Building remodel= 2 very busy stores
2023-June -Flooding again/ Wind/Roof Damage at both stores
2023-Closed all businesses in November
2024-Popups occasionally with expanded shipping for